I can plan a stop motion project.
I can plan a stop motion project.
1. Solve the puzzle below. Then move up front and have a seat on the carpet.
“The Humpty Dumpty Circus,” created between 1897 and 1898, is believed to be the first film made using the technique. Directors J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith used their daughter’s dolls to imagine acrobats and animals in motion. Unfortunately, the film has been lost to history, and it’s not even clear if anything from it survives.
2. We will watch this video as a class.
3. CHALLENGE: Make a stop motion video. Get your journals and find the next available challenge page. Record the following information into your journals.
ASK: I need to create a stop motion video scene.
IMAGINE: You and a partner need to decide on 1 or 2 characters/objects to use in your video. Sit down with your journals and have a discussion about what your characters will do. What will the animation be about? Brainstorm all of your ideas. Write down all the ideas you discussed.
4. Put your characters away in a tote in the back cabinet.
Update your journals from previous challenges. If there is a photo from a previous challenge of you, add it to your journal.
Return your journal.
Update your journals from previous challenges. If there is a photo from a previous challenge of you, add it to your journal.
Return your journal.
5. Exiting the classroom:
- Make sure you log off the computer. (do not turn off the computer or the monitor)
- Line up when instructed to do so.
I can learn how to use the Stop Motion Studio App.
1. What is your PLAN?
In your journal, write down who will be the photographer and who will move the characters. Write down the title of your movie. Then create a story board for your movie.
2. You will need to build a support for your tablet so it won't shake or move between photos.
You will also need a background to take your photos. I will provide several for you to choose from.
You need to type and print out a title and credit page to be photographed for your movie. Go into Tux Paint to create these 2 pages. You may print them out when ready. Do not waste ink by doing full color backgrounds, please.
Get a tablet when ready. Be sure to remember what number tablet you are using this week.
3. Start by taking a photo of your title page in the Stop Motion Studio App. Then copy this photo 6 times. Then you may begin taking photos of your characters. The last photo should be of your credit page. Also copy it 6 times.
View your movie. How did it turn out? In your journals, record how it turned out in the IMPROVE section.
4. Clean up. Put your characters, titles, credits and journals in your totes and return to the cabinet. Return your tablet and plug it in if the battery is getting low.
Log off the computers and wait to be asked to line up.
Log off the computers and wait to be asked to line up.
I can take photos and edit to create a short movie scene.
1. Let's review the information from Tuesday. *Remind me to take photos of you working.
2. Things to remember, we have the free version of this program. Any sound effects will have to be created by you. Also the title and credits will be made by you by taking a photo 6 times of your printed information.
3. If you are finished and happy with your finished project, be sure to record this in your journal. If you restarted your movie, be sure that was documented into the journal as well. You will need to bring your table to Mrs. Masterson to get it downloaded for viewing.
4. When it is time to clean up, make sure to charge your table if it needs it.
Clean up.
Clean up.
I can create my own video online.
1. Sit up front for a lesson on Animotica.
When you are finished with the sounds, raise your hand to get the file on a flash drive.
2. Only if you are finished with editing your stopmotion.
3. Log off and wait to line up.
I can find ways to improve my stop motion project by watching others.
1. If you did not complete your challenge, do that first.
2. Watch with the class the projects that have been completed. Please record in your journals what are some things you could do better next time you make an animation.
3. If I have the photos printed from this week, please cut and glue it into the challenge page for this activity. Bring me your completed journal to earn some free time.
3. If I have the photos printed from this week, please cut and glue it into the challenge page for this activity. Bring me your completed journal to earn some free time.
3. After you are all cleaned up, if there is time, you may do activities on pmaterson.net.
ISTE: 1.6.b Original and Remixed WorksStudents create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
2. In your journals, the CREATE section will be the photograph that I took. Please make sure I got a photo of your group this week.
3. If you completed your project, you are to put everything away. The props, the LEGO pieces you used, etc. Your tablet gets turned into me for downloading.
If you are all finished, you may have some time to play games on my website or go check out these online stop-motion activities.