1. Listen to the story of Little Red Writing Hood
Can you build a better basket for Little Red Riding Hood to carry her goodies in?
2. Type until you reach the treasure.
3. Build this puzzle.
4. Arthur's Puppet Theater
5. Teach Your Monster to Read
1A-CS-02 Use appropriate terminology in identifying and describing the function of common physical components of computing systems (hardware). Subconcept: Hardware & Software; Practice 7.2
1A-CS-03 Describe basic hardware and software problems using accurate terminology. Subconcept: Troubleshooting; Practice 6.2, 7.2
1A-CS-02 Use appropriate terminology in identifying and describing the function of common physical components of computing systems (hardware). Subconcept: Hardware & Software; Practice 7.2
1A-CS-03 Describe basic hardware and software problems using accurate terminology. Subconcept: Troubleshooting; Practice 6.2, 7.2