Students: I can explore how different gears change speed.
Students: I can explore how different gears change speed.
1. Build the puzzle below. Who will be our Speed Champion this week?
2. STEM Challenge
Get your journals. Follow along with this video to make the entry for this weeks challenge.
3. Car #1. Watch the video below and follow along to build the car. You can unplug the headphones so you both can hear. Be sure to plug them back in when you are finished.
Watch this video for Directions for building the first car.
If your car is built, put it in the parking garage. Remember your number. Then return the tote to the back cabinet.
4. Typing Club.
5. Log off and wait to be instructed to line up.
Students: I can collect data to analyze later.
1. Finish building your car if you have not already. When you are waiting to go into the hallway, please do some typing and sit quietly.
2. Test your car in the hallway. Use the stop watch to see how many seconds it takes your car to drive 50 feet. I will have lines marked on the floor. Record the time in your journal. You will each drive the car 3 times.
3. Put your car in the parking lot. We will use them again tomorrow. Now you need to find the average time of your car. To calculate the average, you add all 3 times together and then divide by 3. Look at the example below.
1. Get your journals. Watch the video below to continue with the challenge for this week.
2. Now it is time to change the build of the car by using a different gear. Watch the video below to learn how.
3. You will need to wait to go out into the hallway. Please do some typing while you are waiting.
4. Log off and wait to be instructed to line up.
I can design my own car to race in the hallway.
1. Challenge: Test and compare car 1 to car 2.
Do NOT run around the room or the hallway. Do not use a voice louder than level 2.
Only 2 groups in the hallway at a time. Practice your typing while you are waiting for your turn in the hallway.
Do NOT run around the room or the hallway. Do not use a voice louder than level 2.
Only 2 groups in the hallway at a time. Practice your typing while you are waiting for your turn in the hallway.
2. Test your cars. Record your information into your journal.
If you get to build the second car, be sure to tell how it compares to the first one.
If you get to build the second car, be sure to tell how it compares to the first one.
3. Return all the cars and totes.
Log off and wait to be instructed to line up.
Log off and wait to be instructed to line up.
I can have good sportsmanship when racing against others in class.
1. Today you will race your car against another team. If your team wins, you will advance to the next round. If you do not win, take your car apart and put the pieces back into the tote. Be sure to do this neatly and properly. Remove all papers from your tote and return it to the shelf.
2. Complete your journal. Cut your picture out and paste it into your journal. Then complete the bottom of the page by circling and lego face and then writing a sentence about what you would try next time.
2. Complete your journal. Cut your picture out and paste it into your journal. Then complete the bottom of the page by circling and lego face and then writing a sentence about what you would try next time.
3. If you have everything completed, you may play games on pmasterson.net.
1.5 Computational Thinker
1.5.b Data Sets Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.