I will compare different programs.
I will compare different programs.
1. After washing hands and logging in, go sit on the carpet for instructions, please.
2. This week we will have a robot challenge to see how creative you are at building and coding as a team. Teams can be 2 people.
Before we do that, we will do some experimenting with different code.
Before we do that, we will do some experimenting with different code.
3. Build your base robot by following these instructions.
4. Find a team to work with. One Team made program A, the other make program B. Then both team go to the table and run your programs. Compare what your robots did during the program. Discuss what you just witnessed.
5. Use any time we have left to practice driving your robot.
Plug in your robot at the charging station when cleaning up. Return your tote to the cabinet.
Return to your own seats. Log off computers and be quiet and ready to line up.
Plug in your robot at the charging station when cleaning up. Return your tote to the cabinet.
Return to your own seats. Log off computers and be quiet and ready to line up.
I can work as a team to solve robot challenges.
1. Wash hands and then have a seat up front or we may stand around a table.
Take a look at the table challenge mat.
Here are the competition rules: Your robot must start from the green starting area. You cannot touch it once you start the program. You will have 2 minutes for your robot to complete it's program. You may have your robot solve 1 or all of the challenges that you want and you can do them in any order. You may not touch any of the blocks during a challenge, even if it is in the way. Points are totaled at the end. Highest score wins.
You may build attachments to your robot to be able to move, push, pull or knock items over. BE CREATIVE!!!
Take a look at the table challenge mat.
Here are the competition rules: Your robot must start from the green starting area. You cannot touch it once you start the program. You will have 2 minutes for your robot to complete it's program. You may have your robot solve 1 or all of the challenges that you want and you can do them in any order. You may not touch any of the blocks during a challenge, even if it is in the way. Points are totaled at the end. Highest score wins.
You may build attachments to your robot to be able to move, push, pull or knock items over. BE CREATIVE!!!
2. Open a new project on the Spike Essentials program. Go to SAVE AS and name it with all of your first names. Do not use commas or dots, just letters and spaces. You only use SAVE AS the very first time. As you work you will continue to save, but only click on save to do that.
Your team will have today, Wednesday, and Thursday to plan and code and practice. Please take turns at the tables and be respectful of other teams.
The official competition will begin on Friday after we open the program and are ready. Each team will get 1 chance to earn their points. If time permits, we will take 2 turns and your highest score will be the one that counts.
Good Luck Teams!
The official competition will begin on Friday after we open the program and are ready. Each team will get 1 chance to earn their points. If time permits, we will take 2 turns and your highest score will be the one that counts.
Good Luck Teams!
3. Put the robots away and your totes. Stay in your seats until asked to line up.
I can work as a team to complete a challenge.
1. Continue with your robot table challenge. If your team has finished, you will still wait until Friday to compete. You could work on a second program as back-up, incase the first try goes bad. Be sure to give it a different name if you do this.
2. If you are finished early, need a break, etc., please do the activity below on your own.
3. Make sure everything is put away. Log off your computers and sit quietly while waiting to line up.
I can work as a team to complete a challenge.
1. Continue with your robot table challenge. If your team has finished, you will still wait until Friday to compete. You could work on a second program as back-up, incase the first try goes bad. Be sure to give it a different name if you do this.
2. If you are finished early, need a break, etc., please do the activity below on your own.
3. Log off and wait to line up.
I can show good sportsmanship during and after a competition.
I can show good sportsmanship during and after a competition.
1. Have your robot and program ready for competition.
This is just for fun. Please be a good sport and cheer each other on. This was about being creative with your building and how you approached the challenges. Keep it friendly and let's have some fun today.
After all the teams have competed, we will check the time. We may or may not do a second round. After I call the competition completed, then you may take your robot apart and put the totes away.
2. You may have free time on pmasterson.net.
This is just for fun. Please be a good sport and cheer each other on. This was about being creative with your building and how you approached the challenges. Keep it friendly and let's have some fun today.
After all the teams have competed, we will check the time. We may or may not do a second round. After I call the competition completed, then you may take your robot apart and put the totes away.
2. You may have free time on pmasterson.net.
CSS 3-5
ALGORITHMS AND PROGRAMMING 1B-AP-08 Compare and refine multiple algorithms
1B-AP-11 Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process.
1B-AP-12 Modify, remix, or incorporate portions of an existing program into one’s own work, to develop something new or add more advanced features. 1B-AP-13 Use an iterative process to plan the development of a program by including others’ perspectives and considering user preferences.