I can build a circuit to make music.
I can build a circuit to make music.
1. What is a Keytar?
Here is some basic information about the kit.
Here is some basic information about the kit.
2. The keytar frame was assembled last week. You will need to add the Little Bits pieces to be able to play it. Let's take a look at the parts in your box and see what they do. Raise your hand when you see a part that you have in your box on the webpage below.
3. These LittleBits are just like the Snap Circuits we used to make our parallel and series circuits.
Order is important. What did we start with in the parallel circuit? What was our output?
Follow the instructions below to connect your circuit for the Keytar. Begin on video 17.
Keytar, Rhythm, Dance, Magic, and Air Drum building instructions.
4. Today you will explore and discover sounds with the Keytar. Take turns with your partner. Please keep the volume at a level that only the two of you can hear it, so others can hear their own keytar.
5. Keep your keytar assembled, but disconnect the battery. We will put your keytar and box in the library to be safe. Please remember your number. One of you please bring your items into the library.
Log off your computers and clean up. Be ready to line up when directed.
Log off your computers and clean up. Be ready to line up when directed.
I can use electronics to make music.
1. One person from each group go into the library and get your keytar.
2. Do not plug in your battery just yet!
Take a look at this section of the Keytar. With the help of Mr. Anderson, these keys have been identified as the same keys on a piano. The letters on the bottom are the white keys, the top keys (sharps) are the black keys on a piano. I have copies of this picture and the one below printed out for you to use.
Take a look at this section of the Keytar. With the help of Mr. Anderson, these keys have been identified as the same keys on a piano. The letters on the bottom are the white keys, the top keys (sharps) are the black keys on a piano. I have copies of this picture and the one below printed out for you to use.
3. Take a look at this music sheet for Happy Birthday. Again, with the help of Mr. Anderson, the notes have been created that you will need to play to create the song.
You will need to adjust your keytar to get a good pitch or sound for the notes. Then you are to practice playing the song. Work as a team to get the right sound. Then one of you will practice while the other writes in their journal. After you completed your journal, then switch activities.
You will need to adjust your keytar to get a good pitch or sound for the notes. Then you are to practice playing the song. Work as a team to get the right sound. Then one of you will practice while the other writes in their journal. After you completed your journal, then switch activities.
3. What to write in your journals this week.
4. Bring your keytar into the library. If you got it out today, let your partner put it away. Please take turns.
Log off. Organize your computer area. Line up on your circle when it is time to go.
I can use electronics to make music.
1. The person who put the keytar in the library yesterday, please get it today.
You will take turns practicing the song Happy Birthday today. If you can do it, please let Mrs. Masterson know so you can play it for her. Remind me to take a photo of you playing the keytar.
You will take turns practicing the song Happy Birthday today. If you can do it, please let Mrs. Masterson know so you can play it for her. Remind me to take a photo of you playing the keytar.
2. When you are not using the keytar, you will use the online musical instruments to try and play the song.
3. Trade on and off with your partner if you both get equal time with the keytar or work together.
4. Log off. Organize your computer area. Line up on your circle when it is time to go.
I can design an instrument that anyone can play easily.
1. Today will be a quiet day. SSShhhhhhh! Do everything I have posted for today, please.
2. Solve the jigsaw puzzle. The second one has a lot of pieces if you like a challenge.
3. Find all your classmates names in the puzzle below.
4. Play until you finish the game. Do NOT print your certificate.
5. Practice playing these instruments.
6. Log off and wait to line up. Then line up on your circle, facing forward and standing quietly.
1. Complete your journals. I will have you take turns coming to the table to trim and tape your photo from this week and any other photos we have from pass challenges.
Please document in your journal how your challenge went. Were you able to play Happy Birthday on the keytar? Was it difficult? Why? What would make it easier?
Please document in your journal how your challenge went. Were you able to play Happy Birthday on the keytar? Was it difficult? Why? What would make it easier?
2. Make sure you have your journal up to date as much as possible. Then you can have free time on my website.
1.4.a Design ProcessStudents know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
1.4.c PrototypesStudents develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
1.4.a Design ProcessStudents know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
1.4.c PrototypesStudents develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.